Technologies & Software:
Vast knowledge & experience of varied Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Client Relationship Management (CRM) & Technology Integration (TI).
Adobe Creative Suite - Illustrator, Acrobat, and Photoshop
Microsoft Suite Productivity - Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word
Google Technologies - Analytics, AdWords, Ad Manager, Calendar, Checkout, Docs, Drive, Fonts, Gmail,G Suite, Keep, Maps, Translate, Trusted Stores, YouTube and Voice
Email Marketing software - MailChimp and Constant Contact
Social Media platforms and dashboards - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Hootsuite
eCommerce platforms (B2B & B2C) -Shopify, BigCommerce, Google Shopping, and eBay
Content Management System (CMS) - Shopify Expert Squarespace Circle, and custom integrations
Payment gateways - Authorize.Net, PayPal, Stripe, and Square
Technology Intergration (TI) - IFrame, JavaScript, and Zapier
Cloud Storage - Dropbox, iCloud, Box, Drive, & Sharesync
Freelancing platform - UpWork
Project Planning (PP) - Wrike and
Shipping Solutions - Shipstation, FedEx, and UPS
3D -, Sketchfab, Marvelous Designer, and Photoshop 3D
Client Relationship Management (CRM) - Zoho

The core element that excites me about bicycles, the ability to roam freely at will, translates directly into world travel experience. From seeing 50 foot tall Buddha statues in Thailand, meeting the grand Lassa at Ta 'Er Temple Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai Lake, PRC, to frittes in Belgium, driving from El Salvador to Honduras, its exciting and broadens horizons. See the world!